BYU vs Washington Men's Basketball "NIT"

Jello Jump

I got covered in jello, but I guess it was worth it.

Sterling Scholar Awards

Sometimes this can be a tough shoot but this time I came home with a few nice frames.

Timpanogos vs Viewmont Baseball

I've said it before, baseball is not one of my favorite games but this game I felt I got some good photos.

Jazz vs Pistons

Tibetan Uprising Day

I wasn't sure what to expect going into this assignment, but it turned out to be a really interesting and enjoyable morning.

Interfaith Musical

I've covered this event before and again I had another assignment after that caused me to have to leave early, maybe next year I'll get another chance to see the entire thing.
I really enjoyed what I did get to see and hear.

Annie Kasprzak Vigil

It's been over a year since her body was found near the Jordan River and there are still no answers.